2025 Controlling the Risks of Power of Attorney Documents - Best Practices for Kansas Bankers - February 18th

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Program Agenda
Program - 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Kansas banks are frequently required to complete transactions for customers involving Power of Attorney documents. To protect your institution's interests when using these documents, it is imperative to understand the basic do's and don'ts. This presentation will provide a detailed review of Kansas power of attorney laws, as well as the best practices to use when dealing with these complex legal documents. Special attention will be paid to the transactions that pose the greatest risks for financial institutions.

Topics Include:

  •  Relationships among the customer, the attorney-in-fact, and the financial institution
  • Durable vs. non-durable Power of Attorney
  • Determining if a Power of Attorney is general or limited
  • Steps to protect your institution when relying on a Power of Attorney
  • Language to look for in the Power of Attorney document when completing a transaction for the attorney-in-fact
  • Power of Attorney revocation guidance
  • Attorney-in-fact representations a financial institution can typically rely on
  • Handling out-of-state Powers of Attorney

Who Should Attend
Bank employees involved with opening new accounts, deposit or loan documentation, and operations, as well as bank attorneys, will find this webinar very useful.

Program Presenter
Terri D. Thomas, J.D.,  EVP/COO, Kansas Bankers Association
With over 40 years of banking experience, Terri brings real world instruction delivered in an upbeat and relaxed style.

Registration fees are based off the bank/company asset size. Registration fees are per bank/company, not individual. This fee includes all bank/company locations in Kansas.

We understand that circumstances arise requiring cancellation. Once you receive the electronic confirmation and materials, there will be NO refunds. There is no limit to the number of employees that can attend the virtual session from your institution. Please register using the COMPANY login ID and password when registering more than one individual. If you have more than one attending, please email Natalie Wareham at nwareham@ksbankers.com. No video or audio recording allowed.