Appraisal and Evaluation Compliance Seminar
KBA Office, Topeka, KS
September 10, 2024
Topeka -
Kansas Bankers Association
610 SW Corporate View
Topeka, KS 66615

Register by Individual
Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Program: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Lunch: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Program Content

This seminar will update you on current regulations and Agency Guidance including your state laws on evaluations and AMCs. It will focus on the major topics of today including Reconsideration of Value and Bias in the Appraisal Process in addition to discussing hot topics with examiners.

It's a must know!

Part 1: Federal Regulation and Guidance Update
  • Federal Laws
  • PAVE Task Force
  • Reconsideration of Value (ROV)
  • FHFA Collected Data

Part 2: State Regulation and Guidance Update

  • Evaluations
  • Understanding Transaction Value
  • Banks Charging for Evaluations and Reviews
  • Use of Evaluation Companies and Local Evaluators

Part 3: Residential

  • Value Acceptance vs. Waiver
  • AIR, PDCIR and FAQs
  • Life of an Appraisal
  • AQM
  • AVMs
  • Best Engagement Letters
  • FNMA and Freddie requiring appraiser to comply with ANSI Standards
  • The new USPAP
  • Real Property Appraisal Qualification Criteria (RPAQC)

Part 4: Other Hot Topics (1 hour)

  • Validity Checks/Revalidations
  • Issues Noted by Regulators
  • Property Inspectors (Hybrid Appraisals)
  • Clarification of Bank Questions such as:
    • What is the difference between an appraisal update and recertification of value?
    • Must an egaged appraiser sign an appraisal?
    • Can we engage an appraisal firm?
    • Can the RM see an appraisal before it is reviewed?
    • Are duplicate signatures required on a review document?
    • Does a bank have to provide evaluations to a borrower?
    • Is a restricted appraisal report an acceptable evaluation?
    • When is a loan modification NOT a subsequent transaction?
    • What constitutes a "financial services institution?"
    • Can we charge a review fee as an internal appraisal department?

Part 5: Bring your questions and concerns to discuss!


Presented by

Cheryl Bonnaffons Bella, MAI, AI-GRS, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor
Cheryl Bonnaffons Bella, MAI, AI-GRS, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor, is a certified appraiser that actively works in the banking industry as an appraisal compliance consultant. She established and managed appraisal departments for several financial institutions and now consults with banks around the nation on appraisal regulatory compliance, department structure, and policy and procedure development.

Who Should Attend
The 2024 Appraisal and Evaluation Compliance Seminar lays the foundation for risk management and is important to anyone involved in the appraisal and/or evaluation function at a bank, whether they are actively ordering/managing/reviewing appraisals, performing/ordering evaluations or involved in real estate lending risk management.
KBA Members: $300 per person
Non-KBA Members: $600 per person